Lisa Kent, Author at LK Personal Training
About the author

Lisa Kent


When is the best time to exercise?

By Lisa Kent / 13th April 2015

Many of my clients ask when is the best time to exercise – should it be first thing in the morning, 2 hours after eating, just before bed? Although there is a certain amount of data that suggests that morning workouts may boost your metabolism somewhat through the day, what is far more important is […]


Are you wasting your gym membership?

By Lisa Kent / 29th March 2015

If you joined a gym at the start of the year in a fit of enthusiasm – are you still going? If you are, then I’m impressed! But are you doing the right exercises, in the right way that will actually get you the results that you want? Too many people either make up a […]


3 Good reasons to Exercise

By Lisa Kent / 19th March 2015

Firstly – you’ll sleep better. Exercise helps you to sleep more soundly, and for longer. Sleeping better also helps your immune system to function better, which means…… Secondly – you don’t get ill as often. Exercise, and associated benefits boost your immune system, makes you better able to fight off any germs that come your […]


Anyone can get you out of breath….

By Lisa Kent / 28th February 2015

Indeed, anyone can get you out of breath – making you sweat and feel tired during a workout does not take a hugely experienced, knowledgeable, competent personal trainer. However, putting together a workout programme that will make you stronger, fitter and healthier than you were before you started – well that’s a different story! A […]


Is will power enough?

By Lisa Kent / 15th February 2015

I meet so many people who tell me how they try to diet, or try to start an exercise regime, but do not succeed because they didn’t have “enough will-power”. Wanting something isn’t enough – that far off goal is just too far away for most of us. We need something far more immediate to […]


But isn’t it dangerous……?

By Lisa Kent / 8th February 2015

One of the most common questions I am asked by people when they hear that I lift reasonably heavy weights is “isn’t it dangerous”? At first, I thought it was because I am female and there is still, even today, a lot of gender stereotyping that goes on. But actually it is more to do […]


Exercise and Osteoporosis

By Lisa Kent / 31st January 2015

In the UK, one in two women and one in five men over the age of 50 will break a bone mainly because of poor bone health. There are about 300,000 fragility fractures every year in the UK. 1,150 people are dying every month in the UK as a result of hip fractures. Almost three million people in the UK are […]


4 Simple Questions About Your Workout

By Lisa Kent / 24th August 2014

What goals do I want to achieve? Why am I doing this particular exercise? Is this exercise going to help me achieve those goals? Is there a more effective way of achieving these goals? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then how do you know if all the effort you are putting […]


Try, try and try again……

By Lisa Kent / 20th December 2013

This year I have been blessed to watch my niece turn from a baby into a toddler. She has learnt to crawl, walk and is now running and dancing! What is so amazing about watching this transformation, is that at no point did she get despondent and irritated when she fell down. She was so […]


The Importance of “SMART” Goals

By Lisa Kent / 8th April 2012

Without precise goals, how can you ever achieve a desired result? After all, what does “fitter” mean, and how much is “some weight”? How will you know if you reach your goal if it does not have a defined and measurable target, and how long can enthusiasm be maintained if there is no target to […]